Snow Falling on Trees

We got a big snow yesterday and had the first snow day we've had in nearly seven years of living in Minnesota.  

So, with many hands to care for Baby if she needed anything, I decided to go for a walk in the snow.  

I love walks in the snow.

In particular I love how the world is transformed into black and white and shades of grey.  

It's like being transported into an Ansel Adams photograph.  

I love how the trees are transformed into pieces of sculpture with each twig and branch delineated by stark contrast with the snow. 

I'm no Ansel Adams, but I took along my camera and tried to capture a little of that snowy beauty.

I don't know what kind of trees these are that line the banks of Lake Phalen, but I love their gnarly shape.  

No, literally, gnarly.  Not "gnarly, dude."

Just to clarify.

I am happy with how some of these came out.  These are basically straight out of the camera (SOOC), but I might try out the "black and white" effect on my photo editor and see what happens.

“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” 

Today the "beauty spot" in my soul got a little refill.


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