Happy Memorial Day!

Today, we are celebrating Memorial Day in the modern way: sleeping in, lounging around, cooking out, watching the Memorial Day concert from D.C. from the comfort of our own couch.

We also remember, though. We honor the memory of those who have fallen in the service of our country and those who have served honorably.

My grandfather, Wilbur Copeland, served in the army during World War II. He was a hospital administrator in Guam.

My uncle, Stan, was a medic in Vietnam and an army chaplain for many years. In fact, he was overjoyed to be called back into service recently. He's now an army counselor stationed in Germany.

My dad served in the army during the Vietnam War. He was stationed in Georgia and sang in the Third Army Chorus, tongue-in-cheekily called "The Pink Berets."

(I just made up that phrase "tongue-in-cheekily." Yeah, I'm pretty much a modern Shakespeare.)

My brother-in-law, Joel, served in Afghanistan as a doctor.

I have three first cousins who serve/served in the Army and several more distant cousins who serve in the armed forces.

I am proud to claim kinship with these soldiers and appreciate their service.

Thank you to the soldiers, past and present, who have served and who have died in that service so that I can enjoy freedom. I'm sorry that I take them for granted sometimes.

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." Winston Churchill


  1. Well said!

  2. Your dad was obviously the luckiest because he was stationed in GA. :)


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