Fundraising Update

Not long ago, I sent out a letter asking folks to give toward our adoption fund,

either through Razoo Online fundraising for Shaw Family Adoption Fund

Or, directly to the Mission Orthodox Presbyterian Church adoption fund.

Or by shoppping at  (Follow this link to our storefront:

We also had an on-line auction which contributed almost $700 to the fund.  

We recently printed out a list of donors and - oh, my! - it is a long list!  We are so blessed and grateful for friends and family who have come along-side us in this way to help bring this baby home!  

We've had contributions of widely varying sizes, but all of them - even "widow's mites" - are equally precious to us in that they represent people who want to help us in this endeavor.  Some have given because they love us; some have given because they want to support adoption; and many, many have given for both reasons.  God is good and we are overwhelmingly grateful for His provision through the hands, and frankly the checkbooks, of people we know. 

Now, as the birth approaches, we are wonderfully close to our goal, but still short, so we are sending out one last appeal.

I know that many worthy causes are begging for your end-of-year tax-deductible gifts and we are one family.  But we are trying to faithfully do what God has called us to do and praying that, if you have not already done so, you will give in any amount toward our adoption fund, maybe even before the new year comes.  

The Razoo/GiveMN account is good for on-line/credit card giving.  The Mission OPC adoption fund accepts checks.  And we are still selling coffee for a little while longer.  

And don't worry about going over our goal amount (just in case you were concerned!).  Anything over what we need at the time of placement will go toward covering the rest of the fee when it comes due, travel costs, finalization costs, repaying no-interest loans, etc.  Plenty of opportunities to make good use of the fund!

Please consider giving today and I promise we won't ask again.  Well, I won't promise, but we certainly don't intend to ask again!

Thank you!  


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